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Four ways to defend democracy and protect every voter's ballot

As voters prepare to cast their ballots in the November midterm elections, it's clear that U.S. voting is under electronic attack. Russian government hackers probed some states' computer systems in the runup to the 2016 presidential ...

Russia warns Google against election 'meddling'

Russia on Tuesday said it has officially warned US internet giant Google against "meddling" in next Sunday's local elections by hosting opposition leader Alexei Navalny's videos calling for mass protests.

Hackers? No, human error plagues Arizona primary voting

For all the worries about Russian hackers and other cyber-vandals, voting problems this week in Arizona served as a reminder that one of the biggest threats to fair elections is plain old human error.

Human rights in a changing sociopolitical climate

The number of people seeking asylum in the United States is drastically lower this year than last. With a growing national debate over policies and limited understanding of the resettlement process, the United States is on ...

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