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Swing vote 'trumped' turnout in 2016 election

Swing voters in battleground states delivered Donald Trump his unexpected victory in the 2016 presidential election, suggests a new study coauthored by Yale political scientist Gregory A. Huber.

More exposure to political TV ads heightens anxiety

We've all seen them: political ads on television that promise doom and gloom if Candidate X is elected, and how all your problems will be solved if you choose Candidate Y. And Candidate Y, of course, approves this message.

Data scientists build more honest prediction models

On Nov. 3, 2020—and for many days after—millions of people kept a wary eye on the presidential election prediction models run by various news outlets. With such high stakes in play, every tick of a tally and twitch of ...

The influence and importance of language

In the hours immediately following the events at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, no one quite knew how to describe what had happened. It wasn't simply because nothing like it had occurred in a century, but also because ...

Populism erupts when people feel disconnected and disrespected

American society is riven down the middle. In the 2020 presidential election, 81 million people turned out to vote for Joe Biden, while another 74 million voted for Donald Trump. Many people came to the polls to vote against ...

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