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France's Hollande outlines 'green' energy policy

President Francois Hollande Friday pledged to close France's oldest operational nuclear plant in 2016 and rejected seven proposals for shale gas exploration on health and environment concerns.

S. Korea, Peru announce defense technology deal

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan agreed Thursday to grant technology transfers to Peru to help strengthen the Latin American nation's navy and air force.

Expat French get Internet vote for first time

French citizens will for the first time this year be able to vote in a parliamentary election over the Internet, an experiment that could be extended to other elections if successful.

US to study alternate route for US-Canada pipeline

The US government said Thursday it would study an alternate route for a controversial US-Canada oil pipeline, and pushed back its final decision on the project until 2013 -- after next year's presidential elections.

Obama campaign takes to Tumblr

US President Barack Obama added popular microblogging platform Tumblr on Monday to the Internet arsenal for his 2012 re-election campaign.

LSU sociologist produces documentary on Kenyan election violence

While Africa is certainly no stranger to violence, the response to the Kenyan presidential elections of 2007 came as a surprise. Political unrest evolved into outright and unmitigated violence, marring the relatively peaceful ...

Which politicians do voters blame for the down economy?

A down economy usually spells trouble for incumbents, but a new Brigham Young University study shows that six Republicans up for re-election this year caught a break when John McCain lost the last presidential election.

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