Zoetis launching new doggy med for noise-related anxiety

Fido and Spot may not have to cower under the bed this summer when fireworks and thunderstorms hit, thanks to the first prescription veterinary medicine for treating anxiety over loud noises—a widespread problem that causes ...

Active pharmaceutical ingredients can persist in the environment

Homeowners who rely on private wells as their drinking water source can be vulnerable to bacteria, nitrates, and other contaminants that have known human health risks. Because they are not connected to a public drinking water ...

Medication errors in pets: How to lower the risk

You want to keep Fido or Fluffy safe, so when they need medication, it's important to ask questions and guard against dosing errors, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

Johnson & Johnson tops 4Q earnings expectations

The strong dollar and stiff competition for some products squeezed Johnson & Johnson in the fourth quarter and it missed Wall Street expectations for revenue, triggering a rare sell-off of its shares.