Nordic countries grill Facebook on privacy

Data protection agencies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland have quizzed social network giant Facebook on its management of users' private information, they said Tuesday.

UF researcher: Certain consumer preferences may be inborn

Genes that might lead to the purchase of designer jeans? Or DNA that helps to create chocoholics? People’s consumer preferences are often influenced by their genetic inheritance, according to a study by a University ...

Study shows real partners are no match for ideal mate

Our ideal image of the perfect partner differs greatly from our real-life partner, according to new research from the University of Sheffield and the University of Montpellier in France. The research found that our actual ...

Gene knockout makes female mice masculine

The mammalian fucose mutarotase enzyme is known to be involved in incorporating the sugar fucose into protein. Female mice that lack the fucose mutarotase (FucM) gene refuse to let males mount them, and will attempt copulation ...

Can companies really predict what we like online?

( -- Internet marketers who try to predict what we like based on what we've bought online or which websites we've visited, may not know as much about us as they think do, according to new research at the University ...

Consumer preferences for Hawaiian orchids revealed

Orchids are the fastest-growing group of potted flowering plants in the United States, outranked only by poinsettias in sales. The wholesale value of potted orchids in the U.S. has risen 80% in the last decade (to $126 million ...

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