Machine learning may be a game-changer for climate prediction

A major challenge in current climate prediction models is how to accurately represent clouds and their atmospheric heating and moistening. This challenge is behind the wide spread in climate prediction. Yet accurate predictions ...

Why it's difficult to predict evolutionary fate of a new trait

The phrase "survival of the fittest" makes the principle of evolution by natural selection easy to understand—individuals with a trait that adapts them well to their circumstances are more likely to pass that trait along. ...

Hacking epidemics in a hyper-connected world

At the first hints of a disease outbreak, epidemiologists, health care providers, policy makers, and scientists turn to sophisticated predictive models to determine how an illness is spreading and what should be done to minimize ...

Social media photos priceless for natural resources research

Tapping into social media posts on Instagram, Flickr and Panoramio gave North Carolina State University researchers a trove of information about people's opinions of scenic European landscapes. A new study shows that geotagged ...

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