Equations help predict the behavior of water in rivers

River dikes are small dams made of earth that are used to hold in the water of the course of a river, without affecting the course too much. However, when the water exceeds a certain level due to flooding, the dike breaks, ...

How cryptocurrency discussions spread

A rapidly increasing percentage of the world's population is connected to the global information environment. At the same time, the information environment is enabling social interactions that are radically changing how and ...

Monitoring the environment with artificial intelligence

Microorganisms perform key functions in ecosystems, and their diversity reflects the health of their environment. However, they are still largely under-exploited in current biomonitoring programs because they are difficult ...

Big data used to predict the future

Technology is moving in giant leaps and bounds, and with it, the information with which society operates daily. Nevertheless, the volume of data needs to be organized, analyzed and correlated to predict certain patterns. ...

Using aircraft as weather stations

To fly safely, aircraft need accurate updates on wind and temperature. But together, aircraft can also act as a sensor network that provides information to make weather models and predictions better, researchers at Delft ...

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