Northern white rhino retired from world-first breeding project

Scientists attempting to bring back the near-extinct northern white rhinoceros announced Thursday they would stop harvesting eggs from one of two remaining live specimens involved in an unprecedented breeding programme.

The protective role of cells in overwintering fungi

Scientists have discovered a new role for cells that are known to nurture the overwintering reproductive structures in a type of fungi, according to a study published today in eLife.

Boosting kiwi repopulation efforts

Releasing a higher number of kiwi into large predator-controlled areas could increase the success of efforts to help their survival in the wild, new research shows.

Carnivore interactions are a game of risk and reward

Coyotes can eat by scavenging cougars' prey but it's a risky proposition as coyotes often end up killed by cougars too, a new study of predator interactions by Oregon State University shows.

How predator traits shape anti-predator response

Prey animals perform a diverse variety of behaviors to escape from predators, but whether specific behaviors are used to escape from predators that represent different types of threat has been long-debated. New research from ...

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