Monitor your energy use with 'simple' smart plugs

(—Glancing at one's daily consumption of energy would lead to usage that is more reasonable and less greedy. Such a challenge gave birth to eSMART. This EPFL spin-off is in the process of installing its system ...

Earth-shaking research to predict devastation from earthquakes

The computational science expertise at the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) Daresbury Laboratory is playing a key role in enabling researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), to develop ...

Small islands may amplify tsunamis

Small islands, long thought to be natural tsunami barriers for coast-dwellers, may in fact amplify the waves they are supposed to break, researchers warned Wednesday.

Marine energy doubled by predicting wave power

The energy generated from our oceans could be doubled using new methods for predicting wave power. Research led by the University of Exeter, published (27 June) in the journal Renewable Energy, could pave the way for significant ...

Record temperatures set across US as heat wave engulfs nation

A relentless US heat wave that has triggered health alerts for more than 100 million people is set to intensify this weekend, with temperatures and humidity forecast to surge to suffocating highs in many parts of the country.

Papua New Guinea quake causes small tsunami, no damage

A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Saturday, generating a small tsunami and knocking out power in parts of the Pacific island nation. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

Fishing vessel transformed into a wave power plant

Is it possible for a redundant fishing vessel to be used as a power plant? Absolutely! The first vessel of its kind is now anchored offshore in the Stadthavet area west in Norway, with the aim of generating electricity from ...

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