Photopower for microlabs

Miniaturized devices such as microsensors often require an independent, equally miniaturized power supply. Searching for suitable systems, Japanese scientists have now developed a fully integrated microfluidic device that ...

Dutch open 'world's largest offshore' wind farm

Dutch officials on Monday opened what is being billed as one of the world's largest offshore wind farms, with 150 turbines spinning in action far out in the North Sea.

Research shows greater potential for solar power

Concentrating solar power (CSP) could supply a large fraction of the power supply in a decarbonized energy system, shows a new study of the technology and its potential practical application.

New research warns world to prepare for blackout

( —Living without electricity in today's technological world may be difficult to imagine. Yet the reality of living without computers, mobile phones and entertainment systems, and managing a transport system thrown ...

Finland team has bed sensor to measure sleep

( —A $149 consumer version of a sleep-tracking system, consisting of both sensor and smartphone app, is aiming for funding via a campaign on the crowdfunding platform, Indiegogo. Finland-based Beddit on Wednesday ...

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