Tesla patent describes hybrid battery pack system for EVs

(Phys.org) —A Tesla Motors patent application filed earlier this year shows the company's interest in a hybrid battery pack using lithium ion and metal-air batteries. The patent is titled "Electric Vehicle Extended Range ...

Spinning out the future of our electronic devices

To satisfy the world's desire for ever more processing power, at ever diminishing energy cost, in even tinier devices, scientists are looking to spintronics (spin transport electronics) to provide the next generation of high-speed, ...

Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

New material holds big energy hope

(Phys.org) —A new material that can store large amounts of energy with very little energy loss has been developed by researchers at the Australian National University.

Research opportunities plentiful for next generation batteries

(Phys.org) —In the opening scene of the iconic movie of the 1960s, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock, at a party to celebrate his college degree, is given one word of advice for his future: "Plastics." Were young Benjamin ...

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