The electric car: a power bank

( -- Can you imagine an electric car that stores power and, depending on variable utility rates, returns it to the power grid over the course of a day? Fraunhofer researchers are exploring this visionary idea. ...

Electricity systems can cope with large-scale wind power

Research by TU Delft, Netherlands, proves that Dutch power stations are able to cope at any time in the future with variations in demand for electricity and supply of wind power, as long as use is made of up-to-date wind ...

Trapped sediment in dams 'endangers' water supplies: UN

Thousands of the world's large dams are so clogged with sediment that they risk losing more than a quarter of their storage capacity by 2050, UN researchers said Wednesday, warning of the threat to water security.

Photonic synapses with low power consumption and high sensitivity

Neuromorphic photonics/electronics is the future of ultralow energy intelligent computing and artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, inspired by the human brain, artificial neuromorphic devices have attracted extensive ...

Renewable technology prices and decarbonization

The great advantage of fossil fuels over renewable energy is that the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow and these "intermittent" sources of energy may not be reliable enough to power our economy. This ...

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