The dollars and sense of big batteries on the grid

As the mix of energy sources feeding power-hungry homes, businesses and industry comes to incorporate more renewables like wind and solar, society faces a reckoning with where to turn when wind and sunshine die down. What ...

Compact and flexible thermal storage

Biogas plants, combined heat and power plants don't just generate electricity, they also produce heat. However, unlike the electricity they yield, the heat generally dissipates unused. A new technology is set to change this: ...

A way to reduce the Internet's energy drain

( -- Swiss researchers at EPFL have developed a device intended for monitoring and saving the energy consumed by large data centers. It was developed in collaboration with Credit Suisse, which has used it to equip ...

Resilin springs simplify the control of crustacean limb movements

Animals can simplify the brain control of their limb movements by moving a joint with just one muscle that operates against a spring made of the almost perfect elastic substance called resilin. This principle is analysed ...

The electric car: a power bank

( -- Can you imagine an electric car that stores power and, depending on variable utility rates, returns it to the power grid over the course of a day? Fraunhofer researchers are exploring this visionary idea. ...

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