Thermosolar power station in Spain works at night

A unique thermosolar power station in southern Spain can shrug off cloudy days: energy stored when the sun shines lets it produce electricity even during the night.

Can electric cars win over the mass market?

It's not every day that a US governor accepts an invitation to the launch of a Japanese-built car, but Nissan's all-electric Leaf offers environmental credentials that top any nationalistic concerns.

Greenhouse gas emissions hitting record highs

(AP) -- Despite 20 years of effort, greenhouse gas emissions are going up instead of down, hitting record highs as climate negotiators gather to debate a new global warming accord.

Panasonic releases wireless solar charging table

( -- Most of us forget how much our cell phones are a part of the day-to-day of our lives until we don't have access to them. I'm not just talking about when you leave it at home, in a callous act of irresponsibility. ...

Spacewalking astronauts encounter bolt trouble

A spacewalking astronaut ran into trouble Sunday while trying to lubricate a joint in the life-sustaining solar power system of the International Space Station, losing one bolt and getting a washer stuck in a crevice.

Endeavour poised for next-to-last US shuttle flight

NASA Sunday readied the space shuttle Endeavour for its final mission with liftoff set for 8:56 am (1256 GMT) Monday on the next-to-last flight for the American shuttle program.

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