Russians to deploy floating nuclear power plant

( —The general director of one of Russia's largest shipbuilders, Aleksandr Voznesensky, has announced to reporters that a floating nuclear power plant is currently under construction at one of Russia's ship yards. ...

New Research Can Spot Cloud Computing Problems Before They Start

( -- Large-scale computer hosting infrastructures offer a variety of services to computer users, including cloud computing - which offers users access to powerful computers and software applications hosted by ...

Sweden to scrap taxes on solar energy in 2017

Sweden is set to ditch taxes on its production of solar energy in 2017 in a bid to run entirely on renewable energy by 2040, the government said on Monday.

Siemens makes US acquisition in smart grid sector

German engineering giant Siemens said Monday it has agreed to buy eMeter, a US-based data management specialist, in a bid to enhance its position in the field of so-called smart grids.

Power to the people, by the people

European researchers are investigating 'smarter' solutions to meet growing demand for electricity and fundamental changes in the way power is produced and consumed.

Measuring the most complex system ever built

"Few people realize how dependent we have become in such a short time on the most complex technical system ever built by man, the internet. Without it there would be no more cashpoints, no water from the tap and no more food ...

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