Best marketing for renewable energies

Transmission system operators must assess precisely the supply of electricity from renewable energies for the next day in order to market this electricity on the European Power Exchange as effectively as possible. The sharply ...

Thin drives -- the next generation of portable memory

Tablets are fast becoming the media device of choice nowadays for work and play, particularly with the advent of iPads and the Samsung Galaxy Tab into the mobile device market. With a volume of 19.5 million of media tablet ...

Enhancing the efficiency of wind turbines

A milestone in the history of renewable energy occurred in the year 2008 when more new wind-turbine power generation capacity was added in the U.S. than new coal-fired power generation. The costs of producing power with wind ...

One tonne 'Baby' goes mobile

( -- It took a one-tonne computer the size of a room to run a simple mathematics program in 1948 - but now computer scientists have made it available on your mobile.

Achieving optimal efficiencies for nanoengines

( -- "There's a lot of recent interest in understanding the functioning and optimal performance of small systems," Katja Lindenberg tells Lindenberg is a scientist in the Department of Chemistry ...

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