House panel subpoenas on wind power, eagle deaths

House Republicans are seeking to compel the Obama administration to turn over uncensored, internal documents related to its enforcement of environmental laws at wind farms where eagles and other protected birds have been ...

Creating accountable anonymity online

The World Wide Web is, in many ways, still the Wild West. Though a large portion of internet traffic is monitored and traceable, systems like the Tor Project allow users to post and share anything anonymously. Anonymous systems ...

A true view of infant star clusters

Super star clusters (SSCs) are dense clusters of bright young stars. As they evolve their intense radiation can clear gas and dust from their region. But as they are forming the region around them is still undisturbed. Because ...

Study uncovers recipe for producing and managing star performers

While the contributions and value added by star performers can be extraordinary and even legendary, companies today often overlook the influence those top employees can have on others around them, according to new and previous ...

Searching an artificial bee colony for real-world results

Honeybees are not only vitally important pollinators of food crops, their hunt for rich food sources has also proved to be an excellent model for optimizing numerical problems. Now, researchers from Kanazawa University and ...

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