AMD banks on new chips to drive comeback

After a year like last year, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is shooting for some sort of comeback. The chipmaker lost a boatload of money in 2012 as its sales of personal computer processor chips plunged amid a downturn in the ...

Discovery furthers understanding of superconductivity

( —Physicists at the University of Arkansas have collaborated with scientists in the United States and Asia to discover that a crucial ingredient of high-temperature superconductivity could be found in an entirely ...

Liquid lens shrinks laser measuring device

Lasers are widely used in many areas of science, industry and medicine and the quality of the beams they produce needs to be measured to make sure they perform correctly. As electronic devices become smaller and smaller over ...

Researchers capture wasted heat, use it to power devices

( —Imagine how much you could save on your electricity bill if you could use the excess heat your computer generates to actually power the machine. Researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and ...

Innovative self-cooling, thermoelectric system developed

Spanish researchers at the UPNA/NUP-Public University of Navarre have produced a prototype of a self-cooling thermoelectric device that achieves "free" cooling of over 30ºC in devices that give off heat. It is a piece of ...

Wearable electronics move on from iPhone, to iWatch and beyond

You can wear your heart on your sleeve. Why not your electronics? In a burgeoning trend that has captivated Silicon Valley, a mind-boggling array of "wearable electronics" has begun to arrive, not just at a website or clothing ...

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