Enhanced wireless technology for body implants and sensors

Body implants such as pacemakers and hearing aids have been used to counter organ dysfunction for decades. The WISERBAN project is making a giant leap in their development: aiming to provide smarter communications among such ...

Plastic solar cells' new design promises bright future

Energy consumption is growing rapidly in the 21st century, with rising energy costs and sustainability issues greatly impacting the quality of human life. Harvesting energy directly from sunlight to generate electricity using ...

NVIDIA mobile processor paves the way for self-driving cars

NVIDIA's new Tegra K1 mobile processor will help self-driving cars advance from the realm of research into the mass market with its automotive-grade version of the same GPU that powers the world's 10 most energy-efficient ...

Voyager instrument cooling after heater turned off

(PhysOrg.com) -- In order to reduce power consumption, mission managers have turned off a heater on part of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, dropping the temperature of its ultraviolet spectrometer instrument more than 23 degrees ...

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