New app to assess powdery mildew on grapes

Visual assessment of the grape and wine sector's most costly disease, powdery mildew, will be easier with a new, free smart-phone app developed by University of Adelaide researchers and collaborators.

Altering genes with the aid of light

Scientists have been manipulating genes for a while. The University of Pittsburgh's Alexander Deiters just found a way to control the process with higher precision.

Fighting powdery mildew on grapes

UC Davis researchers have uncovered important genetic clues about the pathogen that causes grape powdery mildew, among the most destructive vineyard pests throughout California and the world.

Three new ornamental dogwoods introduced

In the nursery and landscape industries, flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa), and their hybrids are the most popular and economically significant members of the genus Cornus. The deciduous trees ...

UV-B light zaps cucumber disease

( —A collaborative project by Cornell researchers and colleagues in Norway has literally shed light on a perplexing pathogen problem by harnessing the power of the sun.

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