New research reveals why children move into poverty

New research published today by NatCen Social Research and City University London uncovers the family-related factors driving changes in income that shifts a family below the poverty line.

Most of America's poor have jobs, study finds

The majority of the United States' poor aren't sitting on street corners. They're employed at low-paying jobs, struggling to support themselves and a family.

Poverty rate drops for the first time since 2006

The poverty rate in the United States has dropped for the first time since 2006, bringing a bit of encouraging news about the nation's economy as President Barack Obama and Congress gear up for the November elections.

Global poverty could be up to a third higher than reported

With over one billion people in the world living on less than $1.25 per day, the World Bank aims to end 'extreme poverty' by 2030. But new research suggests that global poverty figures could be underestimated by up to a third, ...

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