How asexuals navigate romantic relationships

Though an estimated 1% of Americans identify as asexual—a sexual orientation most commonly defined as lacking sexual attraction—asexual people remain relatively invisible and are rarely researched. For these reasons, ...

Young adults turn crushes into love, study suggests

The image of young adults living in a hookup culture with emotionally meaningless relationships might be a common theme in movies and daytime talk shows. But it does not seem to be the norm in real college life, suggests ...

This kind of flirting works best

Some people are experts at flirting. Others of us never flirt or fail spectacularly. But what kind of flirting works best?

UC professor's startup promotes literacy through design

Reneé Seward's last name is pronounced see-word, though some might not realize that when reading her name. So it's fitting that this University of Cincinnati associate professor created an app that helps users with reading, ...

Redesign dating apps to lessen racial bias, study recommends

Mobile dating apps that allow users to filter their searches by race – or rely on algorithms that pair up people of the same race – reinforce racial divisions and biases, according to a new paper by Cornell researchers.

Shell-shocked: Rare snail loses out in love triangle

A lovelorn snail who failed to find a mate because of his unusually-shaped shell hit the headlines in Britain on Thursday after two potential partners got together and left him to share in parenting duties.

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