AgriLife researcher studies chemical control of potato psyllid

A Texas AgriLife Research entomologist in Lubbock is trying to determine the best management practices to reduce a potato crop's risk to zebra chip, a disease that discolors the potato and causes discounts to the producer.

UW-Madison scientists create low-acrylamide potato lines

( -- What do Americans love more than French fries and potato chips? Not much-but perhaps we love them more than we ought to. Fat and calories aside, both foods contain high levels of a compound called acrylamide, ...

'Super-spuds' to the rescue as typical tubers feel the heat

From origins in the cool altitudes of the Andes, the potato is not well suited to the extreme temperatures or flooding brought on by climate change. Plant scientists are breeding "super-spuds" able to endure harsher environmental ...

Potato blight plight looks promising for food security

Over 160 years since potato blight wreaked havoc in Ireland and other northern European countries, scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) finally have the blight-causing pathogen ...

Rediscovering Ireland's rich history of wild plants​

Ireland lost one million souls to hunger and disease during the potato famine and another million to immigration. But that's not all, says Peter Wyse Jackson, PhD, president of the Missouri Botanical Garden and the George ...

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