Five ways virtual reality is improving healthcare

Virtual reality is much more than just a new form of entertainment, it is increasingly being used in a wide range of medical applications, from treatments to training. Here are a few of them.

Enzyme key to learning in fruit flies

An animal's reaction to an odor or food or other stimuli depends largely on past experiences and how they have been entered into memory.

Abused horses now rehabbed to help veterans with PTSD

After losing sight in his right eye from a 2013 rocket attack in Afghanistan, retired U.S. Army Maj. Dan Thomas recovered with help from an equine therapy program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Sandy's impact lingers, particularly for children

Nearly three years after Hurricane Sandy, a new survey of New Jersey residents finds lingering effects on the mental health of residents, particularly children, in the path of the superstorm.

Empower bystanders to stop bullying, says professor

It's back-to-school time for many kids across the country—but for students who are subject to bullying, school can be a daunting place to spend eight hours a day. One UT expert suggests empowering bystanders to help put ...

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