What planting tomatoes shows us about climate change

There's a piece of gardening lore in my hometown which has been passed down for generations: never plant your tomatoes before Show Day, which, in Tasmania, is the fourth Saturday in October. If you're foolhardy enough to ...

A great big new forest park won't save Leadbeater's possum

The recent change to the conservation status of Leadbeater's possum from endangered to critically endangered has renewed calls for an extended national park, because some experts argue that both the possum and the forests ...

Giving marsupials scents from suitors helps breeding programs

Smell is a vital part of sexual attraction for all kinds of animals (including humans). We may be able to use smell to improve breeding programs by giving the female animal a sample sniff of potential mates and letting her ...

Help at hand to relocate threatened species

Australian and New Zealand scientists Thursday said they have devised the "first rigorous framework" on deciding whether to relocate endangered animals threatened with extinction by climate change.

Why sweet-toothed possums graze on stressed, sickly-looking trees

From time to time, I'm contacted by people who have a favorite garden tree that seems suddenly to be in serious decline and lacking healthy foliage. Often the decline has been occurring over many months, but when first noticed, ...

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