Defending potatoes

About 22% of the potatoes grown in the U.S. are made into chips. And Americans eat more chips—an average of 4 pounds per person per year—than any other country, reports the USDA's Agricultural Research Service.

Butterfly effect can double travel of virus-laden droplets

Computer simulations have been used with great success in recent months to visualize the spread of the COVID-19 virus in a variety of situations. In Physics of Fluids, researchers explain how turbulence in the air can create ...

Citizen science: knowing your food's carbon footprint

Sustainable food consumption is considered critical for combatting climate change. Sustainable food choices are thought to be key to reducing the environmental impact of human food consumption, with the food lifecycle contributing ...

Small streams have a big influence on our lives

Small streams make up 70%-80% of the total channel length of river networks, and they strongly influence downstream portions these networks. The role small streams ? known as headstreams ? play in retaining or transmitting ...

Solar cells utilize thermal radiation

Thermal radiation from the sun is largely lost on most silicon solar cells. Up-converters transform the infrared radiation into usable light, however. Researchers have now for the first time successfully adapted this effect ...

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