Yahoo sees signs of growth in 'core' (Update)

Yahoo reported a stronger-than-expected first-quarter profit Tuesday, results hailed by chief executive Marissa Mayer as showing growth in the Web giant's "core" business.

Carl Icahn snaps up another $500M of Apple stock

Outspoken billionaire Carl Icahn has tossed another bushel of Apple stock into his investment portfolio as he tries to persuade the iPhone maker to buy back more of its own shares.

EU warns Nokia not to become 'patent troll'

Europe's top regulator has warned Nokia not to try to become a "patent troll" after the Finnish company sold most of its cellphone-making business to Microsoft Corp. this year but retained its patent portfolio.

Samsung: No European patent suits for five years (Update)

(AP)—Samsung Electronics Co. has offered not to launch any patent lawsuits over key mobile telephone technology in Europe for the coming five years, in hopes of avoiding a fine from the European Commission.

As Bitcoin virtual currency soars, bubble fears do too

Some call it the most famous pizza purchase in history: In May 2010, a programmer called Laszlo asked an online forum if anyone would buy him a couple of pies in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins, an experimental online currency ...

Google chairman to sell $2.5 bn of shares

Google's Chairman Eric Schmidt plans to sell 3.2 million "A" shares, currently worth $2.5 billion, over the next year, Google said Friday in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Apple pressed Palm on 'no poaching' pact: documents

Late Apple chief Steve Jobs threatened to slap Palm with patent lawsuits to prevent the tech rival from hiring away its talent, according to court documents available on Wednesday.

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