Harbor porpoises on the decline in the German North Sea

The North Sea is a heavily trafficked area, with major shipping routes crossing its waters, and fisheries, offshore oil rigs, and wind farms populating its waves. All this activity inevitably has an effect on marine wildlife, ...

Harbor porpoises and seal bombs

Using recordings from MBARI's deep-sea hydrophone, marine-mammal researchers have found that the sounds of seal bombs could have significant impacts on the behavior of harbor porpoises in and around Monterey Bay. Seal bombs ...

Cell death in porpoises caused by environmental pollutants

A recent study just published in Environmental Science & Technology identified the toxicological risks of environmental pollutants to finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis). Manmade chemicals synthesized for human ...

'Pingers' could save porpoises from fishing nets

Underwater sound devices called "pingers" could be an effective, long-term way to prevent porpoises getting caught in fishing nets with no negative behavioural effects, newly published research suggests.

Artificial materials reconstruct porpoise's echolocation

Over millions of years, porpoises have developed powerful biosonar with high accuracy and intelligence to detect and track prey in noisy underwater environments. The sound source in a porpoise is about one half of the wavelength ...

Vaquita porpoise about to go extinct, researchers warn

The vaquita porpoise, one of the world's most endangered animals, could become extinct within a year if fishing nets continue being used illegally, a university in Scotland warned on Wednesday.

Mexico launches plan to mark vaquita porpoise reserve

The Mexican government said Thursday it will use buoys to mark the reserve of the world's most endangered marine mammal, in a bid to save the last remaining 10 or so vaquita marina porpoises.

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