Sunlight generates hydrogen in new porous silicon

Porous silicon manufactured in a bottom up procedure using solar energy can be used to generate hydrogen from water, according to a team of Penn State mechanical engineers, who also see applications for batteries, biosensors ...

New device stores electricity on silicon chips

( —Solar cells that produce electricity 24/7, not just when the sun is shining. Mobile phones with built-in power cells that recharge in seconds and work for weeks between charges.

Chunky mobile devices? Soft graphene could help you downsize

Assuming you are geeky enough to open up any mobile device on the market – a phone, tablet or laptop – the most glaringly obvious component of the device is the battery: it generally consumes up to (if not more than) ...

New coating turns ordinary glass into super glass

A new transparent, bioinspired coating makes ordinary glass tough, self-cleaning and incredibly slippery, a team from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Harvard School of Engineering ...

Versatile polymer film synthesis method invented

( —Forming perfect porous polymer films is not enough; they need both large and small pores, and the process of making them needs to be simple, versatile and repeatable. Creatively combining already established ...

Researchers boost silicon-based batteries

(—Researchers at Rice University have refined silicon-based lithium-ion technology by literally crushing their previous work to make a high-capacity, long-lived and low-cost anode material with serious commercial ...

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