Research findings could revolutionise industrial catalysts

( -- It is a long-held ambition of scientists to prepare porous solids within which they are able to mimic the sophisticated chemistry performed by nature. Research published today (26th March 2010) in the journal ...

New molecular framework could lead to flexible solar cells

( -- Making better solar cells: Cornell University researchers have discovered a simple process - employing molecules typically used in blue jean and ink dyes - for building an organic framework that could lead ...

OU researchers developing shale gas reservoir simulator

University of Oklahoma researchers are developing a new simulator for shale gas reservoirs that will provide oil and gas companies with an essential tool for managing production and choosing drilling locations to lower costs ...

Researchers explore how impacts 'break in' a new planet

The harder you hit something—a ball, a walnut, a geode—the more likely it is to break open. Or, if it does not break open, it's more likely to at least lose a little bit of its structural integrity, the way new baseball ...

Moon's crust as fractured as can be

Scientists believe that about 4 billion years ago, during a period called the Late Heavy Bombardment, the moon took a severe beating, as an army of asteroids pelted its surface, carving out craters and opening deep fissures ...

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