Related topics: water

When a gene is worth 2

The notion that each gene can only codify for a single protein has been challenged for some years. Yet, the functional outcomes that may result from genes encoding more than one protein are still largely unknown.

Building a better battery

A new battery technology provides double the energy storage at lower cost than the batteries that are used in handheld electronics, electric vehicles, aerospace and defence.

Fullerene crystals with bimodal pore architectures

A research group headed by MANA Scientist Dr. Lok Kumar Shrestha of the Supermolecules Unit, for the first time demonstrated template-free novel mesoporous carbon material: fullerene (C60) crystals with bimodal pore architectures ...

Nanosponge filters out herbicide poisons

(—New research has demonstrated the potential of a new kind of nanomaterial to filter out environmental toxins in water.

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