How religion influences our relationship with the environment

As a marker of identity that transcends national borders, religion influences many environmentally relevant behaviors. Thus, understanding its role is key to tackling environmental challenges that are fundamentally transnational.

COVID-19 and Brexit can help with the recovery of UK fish stocks

The United Kingdom has a unique opportunity to start rebuilding its fish stocks by taking advantage of the slowdown in commercial fishing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing Brexit negotiations, new research has shown.

Transportation policymaking in Chinese cities

In recent decades, urban populations in China's cities have grown substantially, and rising incomes have led to a rapid expansion of car ownership. Indeed, China is now the world's largest market for automobiles. The combination ...

Unsustainable food systems: Can we reverse current trends?

As rural masses migrate to urban areas, populations grow, and people work toward better living standards, global food system sustainability is jeopardized, according to a new analysis spanning low- to high-income countries. ...

Coal exit benefits outweigh its costs

Coal combustion is not only the single most important source of CO2, accounting for more than a third of global emissions, but also a major contributor to detrimental effects on public health and biodiversity. Yet, globally ...

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