White flight may still enforce segregation

As the population of people of color grows across the United States, white Americans are still prone to move when neighborhoods diversify, and their fears and stereotypical beliefs about other racial and ethnic groups may ...

How genetic islands form among marine molluscs

Usually, the individuals of a population of marine species that have the potential to disperse over long distances all share a similar genetic composition. Yet every now and then, at small, localized sites, small groups of ...

Killer whale DNA reveals distinct ties

Scientists have discovered that populations of Australasian killer whales revolve around matrilineal ties after using DNA to determine their populations across the region.

In California, the pandemic hits Latinos hard

In every corner of California, the Latino population has faced a greater risk of exposure to COVID-19, undergone testing at a lower rate, and suffered more deaths than any other race or ethnicity, according to Stanford-led ...

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