US urges conservation as Colorado River hit by drought

As a regional drought tightens its grip on the Colorado River, water agency officials, environmentalists, farmers and Indian tribal leaders from the seven states that depend on the river for survival are expected to gather ...

Endangered whale becoming a regular visitor to New Zealand

( —Scientists have shown that mainland New Zealand has become an increasingly important winter habitat for southern right whales – a population hunted to near extinction in the 19th century – and members of ...

UK: Neighbourhood segregation of ethnic groups declining

(—Ethnic group segregation in neighbourhoods has decreased throughout England and Wales for all minority groups over the last decade, a new study from the University of Liverpool has shown.

EU proposal to protect bees stirs hornets' nest

An attempt to protect Europe's bee population has kicked up a hornets' nest. On Thursday, the EU's commissioner for health and consumer policy, Tonio Borg, proposed to restrict the use of three pesticides—called nenicotinoids—to ...

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