Eat less meat and farm efficiently to tackle climate change

We need to eat less meat and recycle our waste to rebalance the global carbon cycle and reduce our risk of dangerous levels of climate change. New research from the University of Exeter, UK, shows that if today's meat-eating ...

Scientists offer way to address 'age-old' questions

Scientists have devised a method to measure the impact of age on the growth rates of cellular populations, a development that offers new ways to understand and model the growth of bacteria, and could provide new insights ...

Are all alien encounters bad?

The pages of ecological history are filled with woeful tales of destruction from non-native species -- organisms that originated elsewhere.

War, plague no match for deforestation in driving CO2 buildup

Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes had an impact on the global carbon cycle as big as today's annual demand for gasoline. The Black Death, on the other hand, came and went too quickly for it to cause much of a blip in the ...

Humanity has 'broken the water cycle,' UN chief warns

The future of humanity's "lifeblood"—water—is under threat worldwide, the UN secretary-general warned Wednesday at the opening of the global body's first major meeting on water resources in nearly half a century.

Evapotranspiration in an arid environment

Evapotranspiration is an important process in the water cycle because it is responsible for 15% of the atmosphere's water vapor. Without that input of water vapor, clouds could not form, and precipitation would never fall. ...

Australian cycling boom a myth

( -- There has been a decline in the per capita level of cycling in Australia, with population growth three times that of recent increases in cycling trips, according to research by University of Sydney Professor ...

A practical guide to green products and services

A new report published today by the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), provides key information for policy makers and business managers on how to assess the environmental impacts ...

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