Bumble bees in the last frontier

There is little information about bee populations in Alaska, where native bee pollination is critical to the maintenance of subarctic ecosystems. A team from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the USDA have now completed ...

Honeybees show tipping points

Parasites, lack of food, cold snaps, pesticides, and poor management all can stress honeybee colonies, making it difficult to pin their collapse on a single source. However, in controlled field tests, honeybee colonies show ...

Syngenta challenges EU's bee-saving pesticide ban

Swiss agrichemical giant Syngenta said on Tuesday it was taking the European Commission to court over its suspension of the use of an insecticide it blames for killing bees.

Protecting our pollinators

Bees, so crucial to our food supply, are dying off at alarming rates. CALS researchers are taking a close look at everything from the microbes in their hives to the landscapes they live in to identify in what conditions bees ...

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