From Sea2Sky: Inspiring science across Europe

On the last Friday of September people gathered across 800 venues in 320 cities located in 32 European countries to take part in European Researchers' Night - a free, day-long research festival dedicated to popular science ...

Declining birthrates occur as economy shifts, attitudes don't

Call it the baby bust. Even as the world's population surpasses 7 billion, some countries are facing significant population declines. Mary Brinton's new research indicates that a complex clash between countries' gender norms ...

Assets of older people need to be protected

(—With an ageing population and the competing interests of the individual, the family, service providers, the market and the state in the use of older people's financial assets, protection and quality management ...

Six 'megatrends' that will change the way we live

Humanity will find new ways to do more with less, climate change will have a far-reaching impact, and personal experiences will trump products according to CSIRO's latest global megatrends report.

Study: Cool climate, not population loss, led to fewer fires

In the years after Columbus' voyage, burning of New World forests and fields diminished significantly – a phenomenon some have attributed to decimation of native populations by European diseases. But a new University ...

Percentage of teen drivers continues to drop

( -- Thirty years ago, eight in 10 Americans ages 17-19 had a driver's license. Today, it's six in 10, say University of Michigan researchers.

Diving seabirds: Working hard and living long

Scientists have found that diving birds reach their 30s and then die quickly and suddenly, showing few signs of aging prior to death. Their findings, which will be presented at the Society for Experimental Biology meeting ...

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