WABIAN robot from Japan steps closer to human walk

(Phys.org) —Researchers designing adult bipedal robots have faced a challenge in limitations in a robot's walking pattern. They seek ways to improve on designs to have robots move more naturally. Improving the walking function ...

UN warns of jellyfish 'vicious circle' in Med

The United Nations on Thursday warned overfishing in the Mediterranean was boosting jellyfish, which reduce stocks further and it called for jellyfish to be used in food, medicine and cosmetics.

Wet weather helped human culture grow (Update)

We moan about the wet weather all too often but it may have been crucial in the development of human culture from about 70,000 years onwards, according to scientists reporting in Nature Communications today.

Original Australians numbered 1,000-3,000, study finds

Australia was first settled by between 1,000 and 3,000 humans around 50,000 years ago, but the population crashed during the Ice Age before recovering to a peak of some 1.2 million people around five centuries ago, a study ...

Higher earners have easier time understanding pensions

People who have higher incomes devote more attention to understanding the pension rules. The information published by the public authorities is designed for too narrow a target group.

Lack of climate action risks developing world gains, UN says

The rise of developing nations has cut poverty while the combined economies of Brazil, China and India are on a path to overtake wealthy nations, but failure to act on climate change could reverse those gains, a UN report ...

American workers find less incentive to relocate

American workers—long unusually mobile—are increasingly staying put. There are a range of popular explanations for the slowdown in migration between states, including an aging population that is firmly entrenched and ...

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