Study: growing up in bad neighborhoods has a devastating impact

Growing up in a poor neighborhood significantly reduces the chances that a child will graduate from high school, according to a study published in the October issue of the American Sociological Review. And, the longer a child ...

Study: Socioeconomics playing reduced role in autism diagnoses

While there is an increasing equality in terms of the likelihood that children from communities and families across the socioeconomic spectrum will be diagnosed with autism, a new study finds that such factors still influence ...

Waterways in Brazil's Manaus choked by tons of trash

In Manaus, the largest city in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, tons of stinking trash fill the canals and streams, giving one the feeling that they're visiting a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Charleston weighs wall as seas rise and storms strengthen

Vickie Hicks, who weaves intricate sweetgrass baskets in Charleston, South Carolina's historic city market, remembers climbing onto the table at her grandmother's booth downtown when the floodwaters rushed by.

Chaotic climate, chaotic cities fuel Brazil flood toll

Violent rain has killed scores of people and forced thousands from their homes this year in Brazil's most populous states, a disaster experts blame on climate upheaval but also rampant urbanization.

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