Children in poor countries 'abused live on web'

The sexual abuse of children in developing countries is increasingly being live-streamed on Internet services such as Skype, Britain's online child protection agency warned on Tuesday.

Cash transfers, childhood development and the labor market

Nearly every country in Latin America has a conditional cash transfer program. Poor households living below the poverty line can receive government subsidies if they agree to the program's stipulations, usually a mandate ...

Can we really count on family through all?

The design of social protection policies should take into account the complexity and diversity of family arrangements. Families have different needs and structures as well as various ways of reacting and adapting to changes ...

Among India's working poor, sobriety may boost savings

Trying to stay sober does not change the earnings of some workers—but it does increase the amount of money they save, according to an MIT economist's field experiment about low-income workers in India.

Mixed findings emerge on immigrant families' home environments

Despite often living in poor neighborhoods, immigrant Mexican mothers report few conflicts at home, support from spouses, and strong mental health. At the same time, these moms say they are less likely to read with their ...

Bangladeshi vaccine scientist wins Asia's 'Nobel Prize'

A Bangladeshi scientist who helped develop a cheap oral vaccine against cholera, a Pakistani microfinance pioneer and a Filipino fisherman were among Tuesday's winners of Asia's equivalent to the Nobel Prize.

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