Related topics: carbon emissions · climate change

What now for the Paris accord?

Four years ago, the world's nations vowed to forge a pact by the end of 2015 that would tame climate change and bequeath a safer planet to future generations.

UN: climate change costs to poor underestimated

(AP)—The cost to poor countries of adjusting to ever-hotter temperatures will be two or even three times higher than previously thought, the U.N.'s environment agency said Friday—and that assumes a best-case scenario ...

More CO2 also means less nutritious food

Rice, maize, soybeans and wheat are the main source of nutrients for over 2 billion people living in poor countries. But with climate change and the rising amount of CO2 in the air we breathe, their already low nutrient value ...

Amoeba study puts bite on dysentery

An amoeba parasite that causes potentially fatal dysentery in poor countries wreaks its havoc by eating intestinal cells alive, scientists reported on Wednesday.

New faultlines widen at UN climate talks

Fraught UN climate talks revealed growing frustration this week among vulnerable nations and observers with the political stance of emerging economies like China and India in the battle to stave off dangerous Earth warming.

Intel calls for end to online gender gap

Women and girls are being left behind as the Internet spreads across the globe, with almost a third of all humanity now online, said a study released Thursday by hi-tech giant Intel Corporation.

AP Interview: UN chief blames rich for warming

(AP)—Rich countries are to blame for climate change and should take the lead in forging a global climate pact by 2015, a deadline that "must be met," the head of the United Nations said Wednesday.

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