When poverty becomes disease

Talmadge King Jr., MD, dean of the UCSF School of Medicine, tells the story of an ER physician who had lost a document and was searching frantically for it in the garbage bins behind Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital ...

It's not a lack of self-control that keeps people poor

When considering poverty, our national conversation tends to overlook systemic causes. Instead, we often blame the poor for their poverty. Commentators echo the claim that people are poor because they have bad self-control ...

Why South Africa's social grants aren't eradicating malnutrition

A national sigh of relief should follow the Constitutional Court ruling that ensures the uninterrupted payment of social grants in South Africa. And some praise might follow the slight increases in monthly social grant payments ...

South Asia worst in world for water scarcity: UN

More children in South Asia are struggling due to severe water scarcity made worse by the impacts of climate change than anywhere else worldwide, the United Nations said Monday.

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