Not all communities benefit equally from pollution mitigation

There's a phenomenon called "environmental injustice" – it characterizes the reality whereby environmental burdens, such as toxic and other waste disposal, are more pronounced in economically disadvantaged communities than ...

La Vuelta air not always healthy

The Netherlands is preparing for La Vuelta Holanda which starts on Friday 19 August. How clean is the air in the places that the peloton is visiting? Researchers from Utrecht University have mapped the annual average air ...

'Day Zero': Water shut-off looms in South Africa's Cape Town

Long lines of South Africans collect water daily from a natural spring pipeline in an upscale suburb of Cape Town, illustrating the harsh impact of a drought that authorities say could force the closure of most taps in the ...

NASA image: Rim Fire update Sept. 9, 2013 updates the Rim Fire with this information: "Firefighters will face continued hot and extremely dry conditions. Shifting winds coupled with low humidity will provide conditions for active fire behavior. Pockets ...

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