Related topics: cancer · colonoscopy

New study reveals novel approach for combating 'resting' bacteria

Most disease-causing bacteria are known for their speed: In mere minutes, they can double their population, quickly making a person sick. But just as dangerous as this rapid growth can be a bacterium's resting state, which ...

Coral fights back against crown of thorns starfish

Coral can fight back against attacking juvenile crown of thorns starfish—using stinging cells to injure and even kill, showing that coral are not as passive as people may think.

How corals react to climate change

Ph.D. student Fabian Gösser from the Department of Animal Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity has been studying how corals react to changing environmental conditions and how their stress response could contribute to the ...

Promiscuity may help some corals survive bleaching events

Researchers have shown for the first time that some corals surviving bleaching events can acquire and host new types of algae from their environment, which may make the coral more heat-tolerant and enhance their recovery.

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