Related topics: cancer ยท colonoscopy

Unraveling jellyfish metamorphosis

How does one genome create two completely different body plans in one animal? This was the question Konstantin Khalturin was attempting to answer when he began working on jellyfish. The fascinating story he discovered along ...

Surprising diversity in aging revealed in nature

In our youth we are strong and healthy and then we weaken and die - that's probably how most would describe what ageing is all about. But, in nature, the phenomenon of ageing shows an unexpected diversity of patterns and ...

What you need to know about jellyfish attacks on salmon farms

Tens of thousands of farmed salmon are dead after a swarm of mauve stinger jellyfish swept through an open-ocean salmon farm in Ireland. Tourists in France and Spain must contend with these summer visitors, too. Where are ...

A solution to sinusitis from the sea

A team of scientists and surgeons from Newcastle are developing a new nasal spray from a marine microbe to help clear chronic sinusitis.

Australia scientists tackle reef-killing starfish

An Australian research team said Monday they have found an effective way to kill the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish, which is devastating coral reefs across the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Australia admits neglect of Great Barrier Reef

The Australian government admits the Great Barrier Reef has been neglected for decades after a study showed it has lost more than half its coral cover in the past 27 years.

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