Conservation of the royal warship Vasa evaluated

The conservation of the royal warship Vasa, which sank in Stockholm on her maiden voyage in 1628 and was raised in 1961, has provided a unique insight into how large waterlogged wooden archaeological relics can be preserved ...

Improved rainwater harvesting system promising

Ridge and furrow rainwater-harvesting (RFRH) systems with mulches were first researched in the flat, lowland, semiarid conditions of northwest China to improve water availability and to increase crop production. In RFRH systems, ...

Researchers discover novel method for detecting MIRCERA

Austrian researchers have successfully developed a new electrophoretic method for detecting MIRCERA® and other erythropoietins (EPO) in the blood. The technique, using SARCOSYL-PAGE, has specifically enhanced sensitivity ...

Visualizing PET's degradation by bacterial enzymes

The rigidity, transparency and hardness of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) make it one of the most valuable plastics for the manufacture of plastic bottles, packaging and other single-use products. However, these characteristics ...

Paper mulches evaluated for commercial vegetable production

Polyethylene mulches, used widely in commercial vegetable production to improve crop yields and produce quality, have distinct disadvantages. Disposal options are limited, and plastic mulches often end up in landfills, being ...

The perfect cut

You need the right tool to slice silicon blocks into paper-thin wafers: a several-kilometer-long wire wetted with a type of grinding paste. And all the parameters must be optimally adjusted -- only then can significant material ...

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