Scientist uses sedimentary record to uncover planet's past

( -- The wind barreled across the ice at Daily Lake as Montana State University paleoecologist Cathy Whitlock and three students used all their strength to pull a metal pipe out of the mucky lake bottom. With ...

Pollen stays on bee bodies right where flowers need it for pollination

After grooming, bees still have pollen on body parts that match the position of flower pollen-sacs and stigmas, according to a study published September 6, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Petra Wester from Heinrich-Heine-University, ...

Scientists transform ultra-tough pollen into flexible material

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have found a way to turn pollen, one of the hardest materials in the plant kingdom, into a soft and flexible material, with the potential to serve ...

Pollen genetics can help with forensic investigations

Imagine you're a detective working on a murder case. You have a body, but you believe it was moved from another location. Now what? There's one unexpected tool you might use to follow up on this suspicion: forensic palynology. ...

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