Pollen research not be sniffed at

Pollen may annoy allergy sufferers in springtime but, viewed under the microscope, a pollen grain is a thing of beauty. Amazing images and facts about pollen are part of an exhibition at CSIRO Discovery in Canberra beginning ...

Common eastern bumblebee can boost pumpkin yields

(PhysOrg.com) -- Each grinning jack-o'-lantern starts with yellow pollen grains, ferried from a male to a female pumpkin flower by bees. Honeybee populations are in decline, but Cornell entomologist Brian Nault has identified ...

Female mate choice enhances offspring fitness in an annual herb

In many organisms females directly or indirectly select mates (or sperm) and potentially influence the fitness of their offspring. Mate choice and sexual selection in plants is more complex in some ways than in animals because ...

Clues on how flowering plants spread

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have long scratched their heads over the Earth’s dazzling array of flowering plants. While conifers took 300 million years to yield hundreds of species, flowering plants diversified in less ...

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