Can we replace politicians with robots?

If you had the opportunity to vote for a politician you totally trusted, who you were sure had no hidden agendas and who would truly represent the electorate's views, you would, right?

Measuring the effect of gender-based aid

Increasing women's participation in politics has been one of the biggest focus areas in Norwegian gender-based aid in recent years. In a number of countries in Africa, more than 30 per cent of the members of parliament are ...

Website that save politicians' deleted tweets suspended

The Politwoops website that saves tweets deleted by politicians said Monday its operations have been closed down in the 30 countries where it was active after Twitter blocked its access to the social media site.

Reducing agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that gases produced by human activity are affecting the global climate. But even if you don't believe the current warming of the global climate is caused by humans, it's only common ...

Tension between politics and science soothed—for now

Over the past two years, politicians have questioned the value of dozens of projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), many of which focus on social sciences and climate change. But a new agreement on transparency ...

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