Chile's 'Power-opedia' shines light on elites

Journalists and concerned citizens can now trawl for conflicts of interest among Chile's political and business elites thanks to a new startup based on Wikipedia.

Trust in pollies concerns Australian voters

More than half of Australians think they have no say about what the government does nor any influence on politics, a new analysis from QUT shows.

Hackers target Indian minister in free-speech fight

Hackers attacked and defaced the website of India's IT minister on Friday amid a growing campaign against a law governing online comments which has been condemned by free-speech advocates.

Male politicians have 'bigger heads' in more gender-equal cultures

When it comes to analyzing gender stereotypes in the media, studies have shown that photographs of men focus on male faces while photographs of women are more focused on women's bodies. A recent study from Psychology of Women ...

Discursive Politics: Language with a Spin

A project sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund FWF has made a detailed investigation on what viewers understand and how they evaluate the statements of politicians during televised debates. To this effect, software-assisted ...

Survey finds US competitive ranking down again

(AP)—The United States' ability to compete on the global stage has fallen for the fourth year running as confidence in the country's politicians continues to decline, an annual survey from the World Economic Forum found ...

Censoring social media fans flames of social unrest

Is social media censorship a means to quell a modern uprising? Some politicians and law enforcers during the political turbulence of 2011 thought so but recent research suggests that uncensored citizens experience less violence ...

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